Now that we have a collective agreement with management, there will be some changes to your pay and conditions. This is universal for all employees of Norfolk County Council and will have been detailed in your MRS letters. If your grade has increased due to MRS , then you may be entitled to back pay, payable from the implementation date of 1/4/07. This will be paid in a lump sum and taxed at a special rate which is less than if the compensation was paid with tax and national insurance at the usual rate.
The arrangements for voluntary retirement have also changed. If an employee has been employed since 31/3/07, are over the age of 60 years, are a member of the Local Government Pension scheme and are due a compensation payment, they can choose to retire between November 09 and 31st March 10 and keep their right to compensation payments. This payment will be subject to tax in the usual way and will be added to their pension contributions. This is an opportunity for anyone who was considering leaving after MRS had been paid to leave now at no loss to themselves. If you choose stay until implementation your compensation will have deductions made at the special rate but will not be reflected in your pension.
At the moment, NCC are asking anyone who thinks that they have an appeal against their grade awarded under MRS to register an appeal. Norfolk County Council have just issued information and advice on how to appeal. It is available through the website (as above) or from your Manager. If you are a Unison member , advice is obtainable from the UNISON office, 01603 222384.
- Alison Birmingham, ASSD Senior Steward
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