Family Support is due to lose 50% of its budget starting in April this year. This is the stream of funding which pays for the Unthank Family Centre amongst other services. The precise proposals for what is cut are not published, but I would like to share the following thoughts regarding the Unthank Family Centre as they are clearly vulnerable.
This is a frontline service in safeguarding the well-being of the most vulnerable children in Norfolk, in line with current child protection procedures and legislative responsibilities. They work with families with the most complex needs, with work commissioned from child protection conferences, the looked-after children processes or as part of court proceedings. The referral route is via frontline social workers, the Centre is central to forwarding child protection plans and informing decisions in care proceedings. It is a unique and essential service for which there is an enormous demand - the requirement for this work is unquestionable, and the current potential for it to be replicated by the voluntary or private sector is non-existent.
Children are not protected by the fact that risk has been identified and a child protection conference has been convened. Children are not protected by a meeting. Protection rests in the subsequent plan around the child, in which family support services are crucial. The absence of skilled direct work with children and their carers would have enormous implications for the potential for children to remain in or return to their families (thus increasing the legal requirement to provide accommodation, and the consequent expense.) The therapeutic intervention provided for children who have experienced unimaginable levels of abuse (sexual, emotional and physical) mitigates against future pressure on adult mental health services and the consequences of anti-social behaviour.
David White, Norfolk’s Chief Executive, recently noted "the 12% increase in the safeguarding referrals of children over the last year (more than 6,800) resulting in a staggering 60% increase - now up to 500 children and young people subject to formal child protection plans." It is hard to comprehend a suggestion to reduce family support services in the light of these statistics.
County Councillors need to be fully informed regarding the nature of the cuts they are being asked to sanction, something UNISON is not convinced is happening. A sophisticated understanding of the nature of child protection is required. Do not be misled into thinking that ‘frontline services’ are purely embodied in the investigating social workers identifying a problem.
There is a substantial risk that the vital, frontline nature of this work is misunderstood by assumptions about what family centres in general offer. They offer direct work to children who would not receive a service elsewhere, advice and support to our colleagues in frontline services, sophisticated parenting assessments to inform decision making in care proceedings and have been required to comment on expensive local authority commissioned reports in the court arena. Intervention has frequently been directed by the Judiciary, and sought by legal representation. In addition to this, the Centre has provided training and staff development, with regard to recent developments in understanding about infant mental health and the cost-saving necessity of early intervention.
The people of Norfolk have a highly skilled and committed workforce, who have evolved throughout multiple restructurings and have been informed by recent research and enquiries into child deaths. It would be irresponsible to disregard this source of expertise - valuable time and resources will inevitably be spent in trying to recoup it. This is not a random projection of future outcomes, but an informed professional certainty should current proposals to reduce family support be sanctioned. The potential future impact on looked-after children, adult mental health and prison services far outweighs any immediate short-term saving.
Michael Gove expresses a desire to "strengthen the profession so social workers are in a better position to make well-informed judgements, based on up to date evidence, in the best interests of children...I want social workers to be clear about their responsibilities and to be accountable in the way they protect children." The above responses are based on many years of experience in child protection, and upon an understanding of the most recent research including infant mental health and serious case reviews. It would be professionally irresponsible to support the removal of vital support services which are the very foundation of the child protection system.
UNISON fear the lack of debate on vital services such as this demonstrate a 'head in the sand' approach adopted by County Councillors who would prefer not to know the real implications of the decisions they are about to be asked to make.
David Lambert
Senior UNISON Steward – Children`s Services
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