This Tuesday was International Women’s Day. Join me in calling on the Government to answer the question they failed to answer last week when they published their review of the UK’s international aid programme - how much will they commit to spending on the new UN women’s agency?
This new UN agency has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of women in both the developed and the developing world but it needs resources.
The Government say they are putting women and girls at the heart of their development work. Sign up and ask the Government to put their money where their mouth is and show the world that the UK is still a leader for women.
The Labour Government played a key role in establishing 'UN Women'. The new Government must continue that support. Empowering women is not only right in principle but essential for fighting poverty and achieving all of the Millennium Development Goals, such as reducing the number of women who die in childbirth, and increasing the number of girls who go to school.
It is women in developing countries who are best placed to fight for maternal health care, and for their daughters to go to school. UN Women must help them in that fight. Support UN Women by signing up to ask the Tory-led Government for a real commitment to back up women throughout the world
Decisions are being made on this now and women the world over need the UK to play its part. The women of the world shouldn’t have to wait any longer for this Government to make up its mind.
Adapted from an email sent to the branch on behalf of Harriet Harman,
Shadow Secretary of State for International Development.
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