Our UNISON branch already has agreed on the principle of a 24 hour general strike against the cuts. The following Unions are all preparing for coordinated industrial action on June 30th around anti-cuts issues: UCU (University and College Lecturers), FBU (Fire Brigades Union), PCS (Public and commercial Services), NUT (National Union of Teachers).
This report shows the head of steam building up with other unions like the RMT (Rail, Maritime and Transport) ready to join. The NUJ (National Union of Journalists) conference recently called for a general strike.
Click here for an article on this subject.
Unfortunately, I have to say that the leadership of UNISON, despite a lot of anti-cuts speeches, do not seem to be preparing to translate words into action.
I have suggested that our branch should send a message to the UNISON leadership saying we stand for strike action on 30th June against the cuts.
This is an opportunity for us to show what we feel. It is time to strike over all the issues we are angry about. Each year our pay award is below inflation. We have also been robbed of redundancy enhancement. We face compulsory redundancies and there are changes to our pensions that force younger colleagues to work longer. Many members are angry but have expressed reservations about taking industrial action alone.
This is our opportunity to show what the trade union movement can do together.
Ed Bober is a steward in the Norfolk County Branch of UNISON.
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